
We have created suspicious activity indicators to help you identify potential money laundering, terrorism financing and other serious criminal activities. These indicators can inform your transaction monitoring alerts that trigger further review. 

To complement these indicators, you must also ensure your transaction monitoring systems alert you to unusual, large or complex transactions or patterns of transactions. 

Risk assessment

The current and emerging challenges, threats and risks that Australia faces in combating money laundering. 

Detailed guidance, Regulatory guide

AUSTRAC’s 2024 regulatory priorities focus on hardening the sectors we regulate against criminal misuse. We aim to build resilience in these sectors against money laundering, terrorism financing and other serious crime.

These regulatory priorities will help us focus on what will deliver the most significant impact to achieve the strategic objectives set out in AUSTRAC’s 2023-27 Corporate Plan.

Detailed guidance

This list of indicators will help you identify potential money laundering, terrorism financing and other serious and organised criminal activity involving electronic gaming machine venues.

This list may be used as part of you AML/CTF risk awareness training for venue staff to help them identify signs of suspicious activity.


A video to help you recognise some of the signs that could indicate money laundering is occurring at your venue.

Posters and fact sheets

Download the brochure and posters outlining AML/CTF tips to help protect your business, plus top myths and facts about money laundering and terrorism financing in pubs and clubs.

These resources can be printed and shared with venue staff to help them understand their responsibilities around gaming machines, identify the signs of financial crime and protect your business. Note: AUSTRAC designed these materials for use with your staff only.

Download and print:

Regulatory guide

This guide has been developed for pubs and clubs who are licensed to operate electronic gaming machines (EGMs), to gain a thorough understanding of your AML/CTF obligations.

Detailed guidance

ABPF explanatory guide

The ABPF explanatory guide gives you step-by-step instructions on the information you need to fill in the AUSTRAC Business Profile Form.

ABPF explanatory guide (Word, 3.43 MB) 

Quick guide

An overview of effective ongoing customer due diligence, including transaction monitoring and enhanced customer due diligence, based on key learnings from our regulatory activity.

Quick guide

An overview of effective money laundering/terrorism financing (ML/TF) risk assessments, based on key learnings from our regulatory activity.